The Ving Blog

3 Brilliant Articles that Offer Employee Engagement Solutions

Written by Rebecca Whittenberger | 6/19/14 12:57 PM

Employee engagement solutions are a hot topic in HR right now and for good reason. Highly engaged employees produce more for their employers; disengaged employees don’t.

There’s a lot riding on employee engagement, such as company profits, overall productivity, and customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, managers all too often blame employees for their lack of engagement. Instead, senior leaders should examine their own management practices/styles to identify areas for improvement.

The good news is that being successful at employee engagement is not a carefully guarded secret. Improving employee engagement also doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. But it does require managers who are dedicated to creating a company culture where employees feel empowered, valued, and recognized for their efforts.

If you are a manager ready to create a better environment for your employees, the following three articles have some brilliant advice for you.

Article #1 - Three Ways to Actually Engage Employees

This insightful article from the Harvard Business Review starts with the intriguing line “nobody washes a rental car.” The author uses this analogy to emphasize that unless employees feel empowered, that the company they work for is “theirs,” they probably won’t go the extra mile.

Article #2 - The 4 Pillars of Employee Relations

A simple yet eloquent analysis on how companies ruin employee relations and four ways to make them more positive. Hint: communicate, communicate, communicate.

Article #3 - Employee Engagement is a Leadership Commitment

Becoming successful at employee engagement is not a big secret. This article has five “W”s and one “H” on how leaders and managers can master this crucial area.


There used to be this saying "if you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk." Managers who say their employees are important need to demonstrate by their actions that that's truly the case.

Want more best practice tips on improving employee engagement? Take a look at our free checklist.