The Ving Blog

A Quick And Easy Guide To Employee Development Goals

Written by Jamie Durisko, Content Writer | 3/1/18 2:00 PM

Employee development goals can be really useful and really important for any business in need of increased employee retention or growth. But you have to know what kinds of goals to set and how to accomplish them.


How can you do this? By reading this quick and easy guide, of course!


What makes a good employee development goal?

You have to start with the company’s overall organizational goals. Think about what the company wants to achieve and how the individual employees can align their goals with that.


You also need to talk to the employees and find out about what they’re interested in learning and improving for themselves. Get to know their interests and aspirations and you can set solid goals that will work well for both them and the company.


Your employee development goals should set clear expectations for enhancing skills or improving knowledge through provided learning and training opportunities. A few examples of these goals are to complete a set number of classes by a certain date, attend a certain number of seminars relating to the topic, or to achieve a minimum score on a qualifying examination.


How can you provide employee development opportunities?

You can coordinate formal training sessions, mentoring, or coaching sessions for classroom or hands-on training; or you can provide access to webinars and videos for self-directed learning.


Another great way to encourage employee development and new skills learning is to direct cross-training or job sharing. This means that employees may work on special projects outside of their normal responsibilities in other departments to collaborate with others and expand their knowledge.


Why should you set employee development goals?

By offering development opportunities and setting goals for success, you accomplish several things. Employees are now better equipped for career advancement opportunities, which means they are likely more satisfied with their jobs, which in turn leads to higher employee retention and performance. This all benefits the individual employees and the company as a whole.


It’s important to share the company’s performance goals and accomplishments with your employees so that everyone is on the same page with their goals and efforts. Creating a transparent company culture that works to better employees along with the company is a sure way to success!


No matter the size of your company and workforce, setting strong employee development goals has its clear benefits. Use this quick and easy guide to get started on setting your own goals today!