The Ving Blog

INFOGRAPHIC: Close Your Sales Engagement Gap Today!

Written by Tony DeAscentis, CEO | 5/18/16 7:09 PM

Do you have a gap in your sales engagement cycle? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, research cites that 60% of buyers are disengaged from the sales process. Your sales process is critical to the health of your business. When gaps occur in your pipeline, it opens the door for competitors to steal prospects that have stalled in your sales cycle, and you risk losing the revenue you need to grow your business.


Many businesses must compensate for these trouble spots in their sales process by investing more time, effort and resources, which undermines bottom-line growth. Imagine how many more deals you could close if you could attract and retain the attention of that 60%.


What Creates the Sales Engagement Gap?

There are a number of contributing factors to the gap in the sales engagement cycle. Sales reps fail to communicate in a meaningful way. The value-add offered by the company and product is not clearly defined in either a meaningful or personalized way. As well, customers and prospects are simply overloaded with information coming through their email on a daily basis.

More often than not, sales-oriented communications does not take into account the prospect’s preferences for time of day or content format, causing many digital communications outreach efforts to fall flat.

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