The Ving Blog

How Workplace Productivity Depends On Employee Training & Development

Written by Grace Huxley | 11/2/21 10:00 AM

The main wealth of the company is human resources. A long-term manager realizes that contributions to staff development are beneficial. Investing wisely in employee training means getting a well-coordinated, motivated, competent team and, as a result, increasing workplace productivity, which will bring profit to the company.

Workplace productivity depends on employee training, safety, and how to stay motivated at work.  Let's jump a little more into that now. 


Staff Training And Development Strategy

The training measures aim to create a professional, dedicated team for the company, increasing the return on the work of each employee. This helps to solve the problem of staff turnover, to save on the training of new employees. Workplace productivity is growing and with it the company's profit. Development is beneficial for employees as well. It helps them:

  1. reveal your hidden professional opportunities;

  2. make a promising career;

  3. quickly adapt to new business conditions, changing technologies and tools.


Personnel development in an organization is not a one-time action but a constant promotion of employees' business and personal qualities.



Professional Education

Specialists capable of moving the company forward do not come out of anywhere: they need to be created. Identifying promising talent, selecting suitable training methods, investing in personnel development programs are the tasks of management and the HR department.


But the contribution to learning brings results only when the process is built competently, in stages. You can find scientific writers for knowledge that will be put into practice to train your staff. Such training will correspond to the current tasks of the company and the needs of employees. Professional training is carried out in several stages:

  1. Identification of staff training needs. It is necessary to determine the level of training of each employee and decide what skills he should develop, what result it will bring.

  2. Motivation. All efforts are wasted if the employee does not want to learn. Conversely, when there is an incentive, the learning outcome is better. Motivation increases awareness of the practical benefits of development. When an employee is convinced that promoting professional skills will help him become more successful, he does not need compulsion.

  3. Determination of the approach to training. It can be internal (only the company's forces are involved) and external (a third-party organization is involved). The choice depends on the goals. Thus, training in the specifics of a product is more often carried out within the company, and employees undergo multidisciplinary training in training centers.

  4. Choice of methods and activities. They are varied: training, lectures, practical exercises, business games, case studies, etc.

  5. Organization of events. This is an educational process itself.

  6. Control. During the training and following its results, employees undergo certification.


Personnel Training Methods

To significantly increase workplace productivity, use personnel development techniques. They can be roughly divided into the directive, interactive and personal:

  1. Directive methods are based on the interaction of the student with the mentor, instructor, teacher. Lectures, seminars, mentoring, instruction can be distinguished among directive methods. This also includes the Secondment - a unique methodology for the professional development of personnel. An internship in another department or firm helps to gain new experience quickly.

  2. Interactive methods involve the active participation of personnel in training, with a significant role being played by modern technical capabilities. Thanks to the Internet, distance learning, online conferences, webinars, and video tutorials have become available today. Such methods often do not require the involvement of specialists (trainers, teachers). An employee can study at any convenient time and anywhere. The video format contributes to better assimilation of information.

  3. Personal methods are based on the self-training of staff. Here the task of motivation comes to the fore. Employee self-training should not be left to chance: it should be led and supervised by HR specialists. Various ways of increasing motivation are practiced: round tables, regular discussion of the experience gained by the whole team, etc. It is necessary that the employee clearly understands all the advantages of independent education. Rotation is also self-learning.


Employee Development Tools

Specific tools for personnel development characterize each group of methods. There are many of them, but we will focus only on the most popular and practical solutions. HR specialists most often use them:

  1. Corporate regulations are the charter of an enterprise, a document that spells out the rules of conduct for employees in the workplace, the norms of their relationships with colleagues, management, and customers;

  2. Corporate portals. They are created to facilitate the exchange of information within the company, to automate some work processes;

  3. Corporate social network. Unlike a portal, a corporate social network is primarily intended for communication. It is focused on ordinary employees and effectively solves their problems, so its attendance is much higher. The functionality of the tool combines the capabilities of conventional social networks and a corporate portal.

A successful business is unthinkable without a competent personnel development strategy. Improving the professional level and personal qualities of employees requires the use of modern methods and tools.