Employees need to know the specific roles they play in their organization. Just like in a play, the better everyone knows their parts and what is expected of them, the more successful the outcome (or performance).
One of my side hobbies is performing with a local theater company. Musicals, dramas, comedy—I’ve done it all.
Occasionally, I have a dream (really a nightmare) that I’m about to go onstage and I don’t know my lines. I don’t know how I ended up unprepared, but it’s curtain time and I’m totally panicked because I don’t have the ability to communicate. Then I wake up.
No matter what kind of show I'm in, one thing always repeats itself: I have to learn lines and then consistently and clearly communicate those lines night after night to an audience that expects to understand the unfolding story. The more I consistently say the right lines, the more the audience will understand what is going on and feel involved. The more I leave things out or forget to talk (stage fright, anyone?), the more lost and frustrated they will feel.
In other words, good communication is of vital importance to help people understand what is going on and meet their expectations. Good communication takes preparation and effective presentation.
A survey conducted this year by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) asked HR professionals which abilities they thought would be the most critical for them ten years from now. Three of the top four answers focused on communication skills, including relationship management and organizational leadership.
Download 8 Tips To Improve Internal Communication
These concerns are reflected in a SHRM article written by Rebecca Hastings titled “Leader Communication Could Be Better.” In her article, Hastings emphasizes that some leaders overestimate how effectively they communicate. This misperception can lead to information gaps in the workplace. These gaps are filled when the importance of frequent, consistent communication is realized.
Hastings says that, because of these gaps, this could be why more than a third of senior managers, directors, and employees say that staff members are “hardly ever” aware of what’s happening in their workplace. Too many employees feel uninformed or excluded from the decision-making process in the company’s strategy and future plans.
To correct this issue, employees need to know the specific roles they play in their organization. Just like in a play, the better everyone knows their parts and what is expected of them, the more successful the outcome (or performance).
One way to increase potential success is to use multiple platforms to consistently communicate key messages to employees. By presenting information frequently and consistently from various sources (i.e. meetings, email, videos, voicemail), the more employees will feel well informed and connected to the company.
This approach would also reduce the possibility of employees missing important messages since there are multiple ways to access them consistently.
A couple of people Hastings interviewed for her article suggest the following tips for improving internal communication:
Remembering three little words can also be a guide for better management of employees’ expectations about internal communication:
Staying organized and consistent with your methods of internal communication will ensure that everyone is able to give their best performance, just like in the theater.