The Ving Blog

The Story to Effective Communication Strategies

Written by Karen Gerberry, Ving Success Manager | 8/14/15 2:11 PM


It is difficult to find effective communication strategies that work for all of your contacts. I have found that over the years effective communication strategies start with a good story, one that people can relate to.

The alarm goes off at the same time every day. The same short walk to the small, vintage bathroom to begin the entire day prep phase. A stroll back to the single barred closet that holds a plethora of clothes — yet somehow it looks as though nothing at the same time. I hear the alarm in the distance again. I am moving so slowly that many wouldn’t even notice me moving at all. The time is ticking away and if I waste just another moment “clothes debating” I’ll have to skip my morning coffee routine.

Your communication strategies may not include your morning routine but telling you the story of my daily morning was more intriguing than just telling you every morning I got to the bathroom, pick out my clothes, and by the time the alarm rings again I need to be out the door.

Your marketing campaigns should utilize effective communication strategies with storytelling.

Pull Your Reader In

Your storytelling needs to pull your reader in. Start with the beginning of a really great story — one that they can relate to. Begin to weave a great tale but the key… don’t give away the ending. Let them wonder.

Your Series

Any good marketing campaign comes in a series. Your series of emails need to tell the same story. Make sure that every email you send out has another piece of the story — but not the ending. Of course, once you get to the last email you will want to tell your reader the end of your story.

Have a Point

Most importantly your story needs to have a point to be considered a successful part of your effective communication strategies. When you pick the story you want to tell make sure that your overall call to action will be reached. You can do this by putting your reader in the story. Have a story where your reader is taking a journey or solving a problem.

The Harvard Business Review agrees, storytelling is vital to your effective communication strategies. We tell stories to our friends, family, and co-workers. It is time to put your stories in your marketing communication too. Try telling a story and sharing it today! Sign up for your free trial below.