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4 Short Lessons On Fall Safety When Working At Heights

4 Short Lessons On Fall Safety When Working At Heights


There is no reason to be up in the air without the proper protection. Anything over 6 feet is considered "working at heights." Your employees are probably working at heights more often than they realize. Are they practicing proper fall safety?


We have training just for them!


Part of the Step Back for Safety series, shows safe procedures for work at heights, including the use of fall protection systems, such as those with a harness and lanyard. But remember: most accidents involving working at heights occur during routine jobs. That's why this course focuses on the safe use of step and straight ladders, and safe methods for going up and down that dreaded access route to higher levels: the stairs! So learn to climb, descend, and work at heights safely.


Four short Ving safety lessons are just long enough to help workers focus on the subject matter while working to analyze each job situation for safety considerations. By learning to Take a Step Back for Safety every time they begin a job, workers can begin to take the steps necessary to identify risks and modify processes and behaviors that can lead to accidents.




Why Short Lessons?

Microburst lessons improve the retention of information. Instead of pulling your entire team into an office, paying for donuts, pulling them away from their work you can send them microbursts of training. These short microbursts are typically 5 - 10 minutes and improve both engagement and retention. 


Your employees are going to engage more with these shorter pieces of training because they will keep their attention and use multiple types of media to truly engage each worker and their preferred learning types. 


Over several days your employees can finish their training without ever really leaving their workspaces. What used to take an hour or two in a room can now be done for 5 minutes at a time over several days.


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