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Quick Tips For Preventing The Most Common Workplace Injuries


Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Knowing what the most common workplace injuries are can help you to create a safer environment and to prevent accidents. Merely knowing what the most common workplace injuries are is only part of the solution. You have to know how to prevent them and then take proactive steps toward accident prevention. Help your employees avoid harm by taking these precautions.


Slips & Trips

  • Clean, clutter-free work areas can minimize slips and falls no matter what kind of workplace you’re in.

  • Keeping floors clear of dust and debris will help employees maintain stable footing and balance.

  • Always keep floors as dry as possible to prevent slipping and sliding.



  • The best ways to avoid falls are to install proper railing and toe boards anywhere elevated, and to always wear proper PPE for the task.

  • Whenever working from heights, ensure that the proper fall protection is in place, like barriers, netting, railing, and harnesses.

  • Any holes or openings in the walls or floors should always be covered or blocked off.



  • Cuts and lacerations are often the result of a lack of proper PPE or machine guarding.

  • Always wear the appropriate PPE for the job, like gloves and face shields.

  • Machine guarding is important for covering exposed sharp parts and other hazards.


Muscle Strains

  • Muscle strains can be caused by a variety of factors.

  • The simplest things you can do are taking regular breaks so you don’t overdo it and asking for help when you can’t safely perform a task on your own.

  • For actions like lifting objects, use proper form so you don’t hurt anything during a simple task.



  • Crashes and collisions can occur in vehicles or machinery, or even on foot.

  • Cut out the distractions while driving and always be aware of your surroundings.


The most common workplace injuries are the most common for a reason: they occur easily. By taking simple precautions on a daily basis, your employees can work in a safer environment overall.




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