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The Biggest Myths About Online Safety Training


Online safety training is an ideal way to nurture employees and indeed, everyone in an institution on safety matters. Nonetheless, there are several myths and speculations about online safety training. If you believe everything you hear and see, then you might as well believe in myths. There are many controversies today, primarily online. Many people keep contemplating on different issues and aspects of online safety training, which is engulfed with various myths. In a bid to debunk these myths, we will offer you some of the most widespread examples so that you know exactly what not to believe.


Online safety training helps to equip employees with the right skills and, informing them of changes taking place in their working stations. Experienced employees in the workplace also get a chance to refresh on what they already know. There are a wide range of ways you can use as a boss to deliver online safety training. Some of them include staff meetings, refresher courses, mobile safety applications and doing it on company safety meetings. The benefits of this training are eminent, as it has kept millions of employees and even bosses out of harm's way. This might even be the notion of why it came up in the first place.


Myth 1: It is boring

Well, if this is the argument, then any other type of training is boring. What makes a training boring anyway? Well, psychologists argue that humans tend to have a limited attention span. Therefore, having a poorly designed training will definitely get anyone bored. This is mostly what many end up delivering, unfortunately.


Training in any form is typically boring. This is from the field-based training to the instructor-led training and even online safety training. Therefore, online safety training needs to have a proper and well-structured design to work and, to avoid boredom from staff.


Modern safety training is fun when delivered correctly. It should be fascinating and engaging. Using active and appropriate visuals is one way of making this training interactive.


Myth 2: It is ineffective

Some individuals believe that this training is outright useless and worthless. Such individuals mostly prefer field-based or instructor-based training when compared to the former. However, their line of argument is not entirely justified. Research points out the effectiveness and importance of online safety training over other variants. Data proves that it may even be more effective if anything.


Myth 3: Online safety training is for compliance purposes alone

Some people, unfortunately, believe that online safety training is for meeting certain standards solely, as opposed to teaching and equipping employees with the right skills. While workplace training is set to meet given regulations that is not its basis.


Online safety training should not go as a ‘check the box’ and be through with practice. It is aimed at maintaining safety in case of any eventuality in the workplace. This myth is somewhat related to the immediate former one, which we have debunked. Online safety training is effective and appropriate for teaching employees how to safeguard themselves and their colleagues.


The goal is not appear compliant in the end but to ensure that you have a safer workplace and indeed, safer workers.


Myth 4: There is no way to tell if the employee understands

This is a huge concern for many bosses and company leaders. If there is nobody in the room, how then can you prove that the employees understand the training?


We cannot trash this, as there is some truth, certainly. Some trainings require a qualified and seasoned instructor to be present to guide the employees. The said professional is supposed to carry out the training by showing examples, which the employees will have to follow. He or she will then check if the staff did it correctly and deliver feedback to relevant authority.


Nonetheless, you might be shocked to discover that scenario-based online learning may have the same impact on your personnel. Even if it will not achieve everything entirely, it can achieve most of the basics of the training. Besides, not every safety training will require immense demonstrations and observation to implement. Some trainings only require attention and, the knowledge or expertise goes home. This means that online safety training is just effective, as or even more than instructor-led trainings.


Some would still argue that in one on one instructor-led trainings, the instructor could view the employees’ eyes, answer their questions and ask them questions to evaluate their comprehension and training grasp. While this is true, on the flip side, your staff may attend the trainings and still zone out or gaze outside while you speak. Later on, they will leave the training arena without asking a question and answering any, thus, with very little knowledge on the subject.


The positive side of online safety training is that it includes tests, which your staff have to answer correctly. Afterward, you can check out the reports and results to evaluate who understood the topic and who did not.


Myth 5: You can successfully scrap off all risks through online safety training

The reality is that you cannot get rid of all risks and hazards in the workplace. You can only control them, reduce their chances of happening, and if they do, handle them appropriately. This is what online safety training is all about. It is supposed to equip employees with the right knowledge on how to counter workplace hazards and risks. Therefore, to imagine that you can ignore these hazards and risks is a fallacy.


This applies to all other types of training and not only online safety training. The aim is to implement practices that will keep all personnel in the workplace safe from any eventualities. However, get the idea that 100% hazard-free working environment exists – it is only a myth. This is even the reason why safety training should be continuous and repetitive. Refresher courses always take place due to this reason, after all.


Myth 6: You need to be tech savvy to participate in online safety training

This is another huge myth to avoid when tackling online safety training. In this technological era and decade, most people can at the least, use a computer. We are not saying that your staff need to be gurus and tech savvy; they only need to understand how to use a computer to participate in online safety training.


Nonetheless, it is unfair and very wrong to ignore the fact that some of your employees are unfamiliar with computers – you cannot overlook this fact. This means that you need to get a version of online safety training that is easy for all. You equally need to support these workers and, give them the right skills they need to complete the training.


However, do not turn this anthill into a mountain. They can easily learn these skills and harness online safety training.



In summary, the myths above are just some of the most common ones about online safety training. It is imperative to understand the truth and separate it from outright lies. As a student, you can use essaybot to help you handle your assignments.




Author Bio

Michael Gorman is an editor at and high skilled freelance writer from the UK who currently works at essay writing service uk, which offers the best essay help and any other assignment writing help. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existing every day. Michael Gorman is equally one of the best dissertation writers uk. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or check his Twitter.  



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