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3 Reasons Why You Need a Digital Workplace ASAP


coworkers on laptops in digital workplace Just because your office has computers doesn’t mean it’s a fully digital workplace.

If you’re still relying mostly on filing cabinets, hard copies of invoices, and paper memos for internal communication, your office isn’t as digital as you think it is.

And it certainly isn’t optimized for the best possible performance in record-keeping and strategic communication.

Realizing why you should go digital

Although some companies are still feeling their way around the digital trend that’s sweeping offices everywhere, here are three reasons why you should embrace a digital workplace ASAP:

  1. Technology streamlines office processes.
  2. Technology improves collaboration
  3. Technology saves your company money.

So how do these three factors translate into everyday business practices? It means you need to stop using paper documentation processes.

The following four statistics (reported on in Going Paperless Saves Time and Hassle) highlight the general workplace problems with manual paper processes:

  1. Workers spend 5-15% of their time reading information but up to 50% of their time trying to locate it.
  2. 7.5% of documents are lost; the remaining 3% are misfiled.
  3. Average cost to manually process a single invoice: $24
  4. Average labor costs spent by organizations:
    1. $20 to file a document
    2. $120 to find a misfiled document
    3. $200 to reproduce a lost document

We can all relate to the frustration of losing papers, misfiling documents, and trying to remember where in the world we put that important letter. But did we realize just how much these little frustrations cost our companies?


Benefiting from automation

A report by the Aberdeen Group states that automated and web-based solutions offer efficient management of forms, tasks, and employee socialization in the company culture, three components that are essential for every new worker.

In addition to managing these three components, an automated system can also build a network, assist with compliance training, and manage performance.

Strategic internal communication is crucial to the success of every organization, from giant corporations to small businesses. The communication strategies you choose impact every area of your company, especially your financial bottom line.

Give our digital workplace tool a try for FREE, or request a demo to learn more.


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