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How To Deliver Ladder Safety Tips And Really Make An Impact


Employee engagement is a tough thing to master. It often takes a lot of trial and error because every team of employees is unique. When you deliver safety training, you need it to be engaging for a couple reasons: you don’t want important training to be seen as a chore, and you need employees to understand and retain the information so they can actually use it.


Let’s face it. Safety training is more than a requirement; it’s a vital element of your workplace culture that plays an enormous role in keeping employees safe each and every day. With that in mind, you need to make sure you’re delivering crucial workplace safety information in a way that’s going to make an impact, like ladder safety tips, for example.


Show Training Videos

To begin learning the basics of ladder safety, training videos are a great place to start. With premade videos, you can cover a lot of ground. There’s an enormous amount of video content out there for ladder safety, both free on YouTube and through corporate training services like Ving. You can find content that fits with your workplace needs and give employees a solid foundation for ladder safety that they will be able to apply every day and avoid fall hazards and other incidents.


You can even create short videos through social platforms to teach one small aspect of ladder safety at a time. Here is an example of a video created by the Holmes, Make It Right, team. 


Hands-on training

After you provide general background through video content, you can instruct employees in your workplace with the equipment they will be working with or the equipment that is available on site. Hands-on training is an easy way to engage employees and reinforce the knowledge they learned from training videos. The more practical experience employees get, the better equipped they’ll be to perform job tasks safely.


Texting employees

So now employees have learned all about ladder safety and they’re ready to work on ladders during the regular workday. How do you keep them safe after that? How do you know if they even remember the training content? One easy solution is to send out simple ladder safety tips via text messages so that employees receive little reminders of how to stay safe on the job. The Ving platform allows you to instantly email or text employees these reminders so you can deliver it to them whenever you want and wherever they are.


Engaging your employees in their safety training doesn’t have to be complicated with lots of bells and whistles. You just need to make sure you’re giving them the right tools at the right time to be successful. And it’s important to remember that safety training should be an ongoing process. You can’t expect employees to keep safety at the front of their minds if all of their content is crammed in at once and never looked at again. Periodic reminders on workplace safety tips can keep safety fresh in everyone’s minds each and every day.



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