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Spice Up Your Training Plan Template


training plan templateDesign an engaging training plan template that meets the needs of your learners in new and exciting ways.

Using the same old training plan template is a lot like constantly using the same basic recipe to cook chicken. Eventually, you’ll get tired of eating chicken because it tastes the same each time you make it. By simply changing the seasonings or the cooking method, the same old chicken can become something totally new and delicious. Your training plan template can also be spiced up to make it more palatable to learners.

This infographic has tips on how to make mandatory training more engaging:


There are certain things that your training plan template will always include such as training goals, learning objectives, learning methods, and evaluation. The ways in which your training plan implements those things is how to set your template apart.

Blended Training

Technology-based training is taking over as the leading way to connect the workforce with the tools they need to succeed. In fact, a recent study found that 90% of respondents believe e-learning is most effective when combined with other traditional types of training in a blended approach. Mobile video training is a great way to make not-so-exciting material easier to absorb. Nearly 75% of companies embrace the bring your own device (BYOD) trend, making it easier than ever to include technology-based components in a training plan template. Also, mobile video training is more convenient for learners because they can complete training anywhere they want.


Realistic Scenarios

During training, use cases with relatable situations during training to keep employees engaged in the learning process. Training becomes pointless if the material isn’t leading you to think about how to apply those skills in real life situations.

Break it Up

Regardless of the format or delivery, any course can lose momentum very quickly if it’s too long. A good rule of thumb for any speaker is to deliver the message in 10 minutes or less– anything longer than that the audience loses focus and stops listening. By breaking up training into smaller modules, you can avoid repetitiveness and keep trainees engaged.

Measure Comprehension

Testing trainees on mandatory training concept comprehension is necessary to see if they have an accurate understanding of the material. It might seem like a good idea to avoid any difficult questions in order to move through the process quickly, however, this approach can be detrimental to trainees later on. Trainees may be able to answer the simple questions you ask on a test, but what’s really important is getting it right in real life. Challenging questions can help ensure trainees are confident in their abilities to apply what they’ve learned in training to real-life situations.

Try it Out

Using these tips to spice up your training plan template can make mandatory training a little less boring and a little more engaging for trainees. The benefit to designing the perfect training plan template is that you can keep it on file and make modifications for future sessions, just like that new-and-improved chicken recipe.

Be sure to have a plan for reinforcement of concepts after training is completed so that important information is not forgotten. Send a Ving to follow up with trainees after their training to reinforce concepts and monitor understanding.

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