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7 Standard Practices To Included In Your Company Safety Policies


Do Your Company Safety Policies Spark Joy? 

That’s right-just like Marie Kondo, you should spark joy in your safety policies. Moreover, you should spark “security and resolve” to know that you are creating a daily environment that is dedicated to keeping your entire team safe at work, whether they are located in the office or are in the field.


Here we are going to walk you through 7 standard practices that need to be included in your company safety policies that will help spark company joy.


Practice #1: Develop a Statement of Purpose for Safety in Your Organization

You have to have a vision and goals that drive your company. Likewise, you need to develop a well-crafted statement of why safety is essential and articulate this to and your commitment to safety to your employees. Key drivers to make your statement work for you and your company.

  • Show an organization-wide commitment.

  • Demonstrate consistency with other workplace practices.

  • Make your statement relevant to your specific workplace and is on equal footing with other organizational goals.


Practice #2: Address Emergencies

Having straightforward standard practices about addressing emergencies are key. Specific procedures alerting the team of crises:

  • Dialing 911.

  • How to operate the alarms (manual or other).

  • Calling internal emergency numbers.


Practice #3: On the Job Injuries and Illnesses

  • OBTAIN first aid or other necessary medical treatment as soon as possible.

  • NOTIFY your supervisor about the injury and how it occurred.

  • COMPLETE a claim for workers' compensation.


Practice #4: General Safety Rules

  • Appropriate safety orientation and onboarding.

  • Employees know their job and what is required to perform their responsibilities.

  • What are the hazards of your job and at the workplace.

  • What personal protective equipment/clothing are necessary for your job.

  • The practice of good housekeeping.

  • What’s the proper training for jobs that you will perform.

  • Always engage in safe practices, no horseplay.

  • Be appraised of what needs to be reported to supervisors: near misses, incidents, injuries, unsafe equipment, unsafe practices.

  • Beware of slips, trips, and falls.

  • Beware of working from heights.

  • Be knowledgeable to signs and hazard communications.


Practice #5: Emergency Evacuation and Re-Entry

  • Layout how to exit a building safely during an emergency.

  • Make use of concise steps.

  • Provide visual aides (diagrams).

  • Leave nothing to question.

  • Your team’s ability to recognize a threat and evacuate quickly is imperative.

  • Post the information prominently.

  • Train during orientation and provide regular refreshers.


Practice #6: Safety Data Sheets (SDS) — Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Demands Education and Follow Up

The SDS includes information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing and transporting the chemical.

  • Safety Data Sheets should be updated whenever anything changes.

  • Also on a minimum of every three years.


Practice #7: Improper Health and Safety Practices

  • Document procedures.

  • Educate your employees on why the systems are necessary.

  • Make your methods easily accessible.

  • Continually remind your team of its importance.

  • Reward compliance.

  • Guide team members who need retraining.

  • Establish a process for non-compliance.

  • Ensure accountability.


Spark Joy in Safety — There is nothing more valuable than your team member’s health and safety. Bring joy to your workplace by ensuring that your employees remain safe 24/7. There is nothing more valuable than the people who work with you to accomplish your company’s goals.




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