In science fiction of the 1960s, the Jetsons employed robot Rosie for household cleaning chores, Captain Kirk was video chatting with the Klingons from the Enterprise, and HAL 9000 used artificial intelligence to help maintain the Discovery One. Sure, these all take place in space, but they were all (somewhat) great predictors of future technology—technology that we actually have today!
Roombas may not look quite like Rosie, but they are automated vacuum robots. And you can call yours Rosie if you want to.
Video chatting? That iPhone can FaceTime, and other devices can Skype (and use many others apps and programs, too).
HAL 9000 may not exist, but artificial intelligence sure does, and so do automated systems to maintain and control building environments.
Smart homes use a lot of this modern technology to make our lives easier and to keep our homes safer. More and more homes are equipped with automated technologies for a wide variety of purposes, so chances are your employees have some experience. Share these smart home safety tips so your employees can create an environment that is both convenient and safe.
What are smart homes?
There are diverse components that can go into turning a house into a smart home. Basically, if you utilize devices that are connected to the internet of things, you’ve got yourself a smart home. These are all kinds of devices, ranging from light bulbs to security cameras and thermostats—even your refrigerator.
Many appliances and utilities today can be connected to a smartphone app, meaning you can monitor things from your phone and even turn things on and off, whether you’re upstairs at home or out of town. This is an easy way to make sure your home is always a safe place.
What kinds of technologies are there?
One of the best capabilities to invest in is smart sensor systems.
There are thermostats that can monitor the home’s temperature and alert homeowners in the event of power loss or malfunction. Power loss can become a safety concern—especially for temperature during seasons of extreme heat or cold.
Sensors on or near common sources of water, like washing machines and dishwashers, can detect flooding or leaking, cease operation, and alert the user.
Perhaps the most impactful types of sensors can detect smoke, carbon monoxide, and other harmful substances in the air and even alert emergency responders automatically.
Another useful type of smart home safety technology comes in the form of video surveillance. With strategically placed cameras, you can monitor anything in or near the home. Keep an eye on children, monitor anything hazardous in the home, and know when an accident occurs. You can check in at any time from a smartphone or computer.
Where can you shop for smart home tech?
PC Magazine compiled a great list of top-rated smart home devices organized by category. From system controllers to kitchen technology, this list provides a great overview and solid recommendations if you’re thinking about investing in some upgrades soon.
Amazon categorizes their smart home technology by compatibility, so you know that all of your devices can work together seamlessly—like with Alexa.
A smart idea to keep in mind is that your technology should work together to help make your life easier. If it’s too complicated or it’s not compatible with what you have, keep looking. There are so many products that can make your home a safer place to live as long as you purchase wisely and make sure everything is connected properly.
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