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3 Steps to Better Enterprise Engagement


Building enterprise engagement requires strategic alignment of customer interaction and engagement of all human capital within your organization.

Think of it this way — engaged employees who are passionate about their job usually have positive interactions with customers — which in turn increases profits and productivity.

It begins by building relationships with everyone involved in the business, from customers to employees and everyone inbetween. Anyone that interacts with your organization in any way helps build loyalty and drive performance. According to Harvard Business Review, highly engaged organizations have double the rate of success than those of organizations with lower engagement, linking employee satisfaction to business success.

In organizations that emphasize the importance of enterprise engagement, there is a consistent focus on identifying and meeting the needs of their target audience. Commitment to company and customer success is the key factor in achieving enterprise engagement with these 3 steps to increase motivation.

  1. Leadership - The commitment and alignment of all departments within the organization relies on company leadership to maintain and guide the execution of the vision for success.

  2. Communication - Creating a responsive and collaborative environment in which team leaders can convey mission, goals, and strategies to employees and customers.

  3. Knowing/ Accountability - Effectively track and provide real time insights on engagement levels throughout the organization, ensuring that everyone is compliant and productively working toward reaching their goals.


Increasing engagement across departments requires a leader to monitor the progress and levels of employee engagement. You need to know what is and what isn’t working as team leaders communicate with employees, coworkers, and customers. It is also a leader’s responsibility to provide adequate training to employees that they need to do their job fully. Having a strategy in place for successful implementation of programs and initiatives that increase employee engagement and satisfaction, and then conversely monitoring the adherence of such programs is vital to long-term success.


Organization leaders need to communicate effectively with employees. Important company news, memos, and initiatives that need to be seen by your whole team can contribute to disengagement if the intended audience never receives information. Everyone’s preference of communication is different, and personalization is key to grabbing your recipient’s attention. Taking this into consideration for internal communications, use Ving trackable digital packets to share your information with employees in an engaging, colorful way. Creating a responsive, collaborative environment through internal communications will help employees communicate more effectively externally, as well. It’s important that team members feel comfortable contributing their ideas with team leaders in order to feel a sense of belonging within the organization.


It is impossible to improve your enterprise engagement without some way of monitoring current levels of engagement. You may think that employees and customers are interacting with the information you share with them, but if you have no way of tracking their progress, you are in the dark — without valuable insights. Identifying disengaged customers early and proactively reaching out to them improves your chances of keeping their business. By using Ving to communicate across the enterprise and externally with customers, you know in real time who is engaged and who is falling behind. It’s easy to make a plan for intervention when you know what information has been viewed by your contacts, and what type of format is most engaging.

Pair these 3 steps to better enterprise engagement with Ving digital packets to gain a competitive advantage through leadership, communication, and accountability. Try it today for free, start your trial now.



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