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5 Lessons The 'Music Man' Teaches Us About How To Improve Sales



Harold Hill flies into a town and is gone before anyone ever realized what happened to them (the town). For those who don't know the story... Harold Hill is the "Music Man." He is known to be a swindler of a sales man. Constantly coming and going from town to town selling them things they do not need — like a boys band. The added bonus is that he promises to teach them how to play the instruments when he himself can not play.

Even though Hill is a sleazy sales man by then end you are on his side. Here are 5 lessons that every sales person can learn from the famous Harold Hill to learn how to improve sales at your organization.

1. "But he doesn't know the territory."

A lesson learned from Harold Hill is to learn your territory. Often the other sales people in the musical ask him "What is his territory?" and the common response is that he doesn't know the territory. To be successful you need to be well versed in the area you are trying to sell. Not just about the product it self but about who you are selling to. It is extremely important to know the problems that face your consumer.

2. "You can't make a living selling big trombones, no sir."

Do not let anyone tell you you can't make a living selling something. Hill made a living selling trombones he couldn't play. No item, product, or service is too small. More so than that, if you are not selling it someone else will. Do not miss your opportunity.

3. "Whats the fellows line? Never worries 'bout his line."

Lesson number 3 falls somewhere in the middle of things to do and what not to do. It is important to have an idea about what you should say and how you are going to sell your product/service. However reading from a script is soon to loose you a sale. Without any bit of personality you are sure to not close as many deals.

4. "Obsolete. Obsolete. Obsolete."

It is evident that you need to stay up to date on your product. GARY VAYNERCHUK said it best when he says, "I am always trying to put myself out of business." It is much better to be the reason your product is obsolete than to be obsolete because someone else put you out of business.

5. "Can you lead a band? No."

The final lesson for this blog is to never lie to your prospects. It is important to tell them the truth through out the entire sales cycle. Empty promises will get you a closed lost or an angry customer, which can be even harder to recover.


So in the words of Harold Hill "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering." Lets make the sales you make today a sale worth remembering.


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