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ISLE Saves $4,800 A Year With New Training And Communication Platform


We sat down with Adrienne Liguore, Training Director at Iron and String Life Enhancement (ISLE), to talk about how their organization uses Ving and what their experience has been like with the technology. Adrienne maintains training records for more than 300 employees who are required to complete annual training topics including CPR, medication administration, first aid, and more.


Iron and String Life Enhancement operates the Purple Cat, which provides daily services for adults with special needs, and Golden String, a non-profit that provides funding in the form of grants for special needs individuals.



ISLE uses Ving to invite employees to access mandatory training materials and to share company policies and procedures, changes to client care information, procedures relating to company services, invitations to Golden String and Purple Cat events, and many other types of communications. They’ve even begun using the platform to announce and organize small giveaways with their employees.


Before Ving, ISLE used paper mail to send out communications about training and upcoming events. That involved writing out labels on envelopes, putting stamps on them, and waiting for the communications to be delivered through the postal system. Even then, employees weren’t guaranteed to receive the information—especially with address changes or lost mail. Continuing with this system of purchasing paper products and stamps, and then dedicating time to the process, was simply inefficient.


According to Adrienne, eliminating the process of paper mail saves the organization around $400 a month—that’s $4800 each year—in supplies alone! Factoring in the 5–10 hours of employee time for the task each week only solidifies the current savings.


When asked about the benefits of Ving that ISLE employees have noticed, Adrienne said, “It is definitely more beneficial to us to be utilizing Ving versus the old school snail mail.”


Employees of ISLE began to adjust to the use of technology, coming a long way from their previous methods. Using Ving has streamlined their communications and freed up the time to dedicate themselves to their clients and their other responsibilities.


“One of the biggest benefits that we are gaining from Ving is time,” she said. Gone are the days of sitting down to address envelopes and waiting for letters to be delivered. Delivery and review of information is no longer a question. Organization leaders can now send information out just minutes after they receive it, and they can view analytics instantly regarding who has received and reviewed the information within.


“We hope to use Ving a little bit more,” said Adrienne, “but right now it’s just alerting the employees and taking away the process of the snail mail and being able to spend more time to be more productive in other areas of the training department.”


Though not all employees are tech-savvy individuals, it’s agreed that using a tool like Ving has drastically improved communication efforts throughout the organization. Adrienne explained that using it has really encouraged their employees to learn and participate with technology. With multiple branches within the organization, it’s made a huge impact and helped ISLE create a more efficient system for managing employee training as well as many other practical applications for the tool.


Ving success representatives work with clients every step of the way to ensure that everyone can benefit as much as ISLE has.


“Their team that they provide us with to help us with the process has been very helpful,” said Adrienne. “I can’t say enough good things about the relationship that has formed with the support team that’s been alongside us.”


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