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The Best Time Of Day To Share Your Vings


What is the best time of day to share your Vings? We know you want the exact answers. We are giving them to you. 


All over the internet you will find all sorts of best practices and suggestions and honestly what it comes down to is what works best for your employees. If you don't know what that is, follow one of these three schedules.


Schedule One

Share a microburst lesson every morning 30 minutes before your first shifts start time. Send a reminder out to finish all training for the week Thursday at 4:00 pm. On Friday at the end of the day mark all your Vings inactive. Review your analytics and start following up with your employees.

So for an example, if your Ving training had five micro lessons in it.

Monday - Lesson 1

Tuesday - Lesson 2

Wednesday - Lesson 3

Thursday - Lesson 4

Friday - Lesson 5

Monday - Wednesday - Nothing

Thursday - Reminder

Friday - Pull Analytics And Follow Up With Employees


Schedule Two

Share a microburst three times a week, 30 minutes before the start time. Once you get to the end of a series, share a reminder. So for an example, if your Ving training had five micro lessons in it.

Monday - Lesson 1

Wednesday - Lesson 2

Friday - Lesson 3

Monday - Lesson 4

Wednesday - Lesson 5

Friday - Reminder

Monday - Pull Analytics & Follow Up With Employees


Schedule Three

In this version, you send all of the lessons on one day and prompt your employees to check their inbox.

So for an example, if your Ving training had five micro lessons in it.

Monday - Send All 5 Lessons To Email.

Tuesday - Wednesday - Nothing

Thursday - Reminder

Friday - Pull Analytics And Follow Up With Employees


So there you have it! Three schedules you can follow for your training. We do suggest that you coordinate with your Ving Success Manager. They will be able to advise you best based on your goals and needs.




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